New Moon In Taurus – Your Unique Value Proposition

On May 8th, 2024 we have a New Moon at 18° Taurus.

The New Moon forms a powerful conjunction-stellium with Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus, amplifying the energy of this lunation.

Jupiter and Uranus, as outer planets, represent collective energies. When aligned with personal planets like the Sun, Moon, and Venus, these influences become more intimate and relevant on a personal level. 

The upcoming New Moon in Taurus will activate the promise of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, bringing forth important insights or revelations that resonate with your personal journey and aspirations.

At the New Moon in Taurus, something important that may have been elusive or unclear before will become more personal and relatable.   

New Moon In Taurus – As Within, So Without 

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction last month came with the promise of an important OPPORTUNITY.

The challenge with the ‘opportunity’, given the context of Jupiter and Uranus as outer planets, lies in its collective nature. 

There might be opportunities ‘out there’ but this doesn’t mean that we, individuals, know how to tap into them. 

In fact, when our self-awareness (Aries) and self-worth (Taururs) are lacking, we might not even recognize these opportunities – even when they are right in front of our eyes – let alone tap into them. 


“As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.” This basically means that the world around us is a reflection of who we are on the inside. Those ‘opportunities’ only exist when the person that we are is able to recognize and seize them. 

The magic is finding that sweet spot where our personal talent (Sun, Moon, and Venus) meets opportunity (Jupiter and Uranus). 

We need to be able to tune into the frequencies of the outer world, we need an energetic alignment between the inner and the outer. And to ‘tune in’, we need a unique set of skills. 

A salesperson will notice subtle cues given off by a prospect that indicate they are ready to buy. A photographer will intuitively spot the best shots because their brain is tuned to that frequency. 

Abundance and opportunity are not luck; they are about tuning your inner frequency to match the frequency of the universe. As Seneca put it, “Luck is where opportunity meets preparation”

We can only recognize opportunities when we know who we are, what our skills are, and what we have to offer to the world.

When we don’t know who we are or lack clarity about our abilities, we may overlook potential opportunities that are perfectly aligned with our talents.

However, when we have a clear understanding of ourselves and our unique offerings, we effortlessly attract the right opportunities that resonate with our true selves. 

New Moon In Taurus – Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

The Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is a term used to describe the specific benefits or advantages that a product, service, or offering provides to its customers or audience, setting it apart from competitors.

People also have UVPs. A personal UVP is what sets an individual apart, what unique skills, experiences, or qualities they bring to the table, and why they are valuable or indispensable in a particular context.

A UVP is our unique combination of skills, expertise, personality traits, and experiences that make us stand out from others in our field of work or any other setting.  

Knowing what your UVP is can help you attract opportunities that align with your strengths and capabilities. 

Our unique value proposition is centered around value creation. It’s something that actually creates value for the world. 

You might be the most amazing accountant, but if the labor market is saturated or if technology replaces our skills, then finding opportunities might be challenging.

You could be the best emerging artist, but if no one is interested in that particular style or genre of art, gaining traction could be difficult. Of course, you can continue making art for the joy of it, but you would still need a viable income to make ends meet.

Our unique value proposition is not only rooted in our talents and skills, but also helps us create or produce something that fulfills a genuine need in the world.

Taurus And Value Creation

Out of all the signs of the zodiac, Taurus is instrumental in understanding what our unique value proposition is. Taurus, the 2nd sign of the zodiac, provides the solid foundations for Aries’ seed of life to take shape and manifest in the material world. 

Taurus shapes and creates the tangible realities of our world thanks to its earthy, practical, matter-of-fact attributes.  

Taurus is the sign of resources – not only material resources – but also our mental, emotional, and spiritual resources. Basically, everything that is ours – everything that we can use to support and sustain ourselves and others.

We know that our resources create value when we can recognize the connection between what we input (effort, time, energy) and what output results from it.

This output is something that the world needs and it’s willing to pay for. 

I’ll never forget my first ‘Taurus’ job as a fruit picker, where I learned the values of hard work and consistency. More importantly, the straightforward nature of this job taught me there’s a ‘basic formula’ to value creation: 1 bushel of picked fruit = x amount of earnings; 1 hour of work = x customers served. 

Of course, it becomes more complex when what we offer is intellectual or emotional support  – it’s hard to measure what impact a counselor has on their clients’ lives, for example. 

Nevertheless, there’s always some sort of basic equation or relationship between what we do, the value we create, and the benefits derived from it. 

To achieve success in life, it’s crucial to recognize what exactly it is that we excel at, and then focus and capitalize on that. 

Maybe the counselor in our example above has very good results with helping people recover from addictions – because they have experienced addiction themselves – but not so good with relationship counseling.

If what we do (job, personal project) doesn’t actually create value, we will never be able to tap into Jupiter’s proverbial abundance and opportunities. 

Taking in any type of client can dilute the counselor’s expertise and effectiveness. The counselor (for their sake, and for the sake of their future clients) would be much better off focusing on addiction-recovery. That’s their core competency. That’s what they’re good at. That’s what sets them apart from other counselors.

New Moon In Taurus – Your Unique Skill That The World Needs

Focusing on what you’re really good at (and removing non-value-adding activities) will give you a unique advantage and maximize your impact.

The New Moon in Taurus conjunct Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus is an invitation to discover your unique value proposition – that thing you’re really good at and that the world needs.

The New Moon in Taurus is an invitation to reflect on the following questions:

  • “What am I really good at?”
  • “What unique skills or qualities do I have that the world needs?”
  • “What is my unique value proposition”?

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